of my death have been greatly exaggerated. Being the phrase wrongly associated with Mark Twain.
Or to put it another way, I'm not dead yet. For today I went to see the nice lady doctor. Hello nice lady doctor, give me the bad new please?
Both my blood tests show elevated levels of bilirubin. I think from the quick glance at her screen one was 60, the other 70. I do have Gilbert's syndrome, which, big surprise gives out free increases in bilirubin. Methinks 'normal' people are round 20, and previously I've been 30ish.
So her next cunning plan is a) wait 3 weeks and get another blood test (joy!) to see if it's still raised. b) ultrasound scan of my gall bladder (I'm guessing she's thinking gallstones/ other reason for rise), and c) send me to the dermatologist just in case the insane itching isn't caused by bilirubin at all.
She also mentioned possibility of gastroenterology department if a +b are 'wrong'. Which I think prolly means diagnostic tests of the kind I don't want to think about.
Persons with any hint of medical knowledge feel free to chip in......
On a lighter note, Idiot Girl has a new stupid quest to waste money. She's going to get d*i*v*o*r*c*e*d from Twonko. She's read on the internet you can do it for less than £70. She's also booked a first meeting with a solicitor for tomorrow that is going to cost £90 for the hour. But she's still convinced the entire thing will cost under £70....
Methinks the £14K she owes me is going to take a *little* while longer to be repaid than initially estimated. I do know that I am not allowing any further loans for legal person purposes.
2 weeks ago
Please let me assist, I will translate that wikipedia article - you have wonky Uridine-diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase isoform 1A1.
I hope that helped, and you get well soon.
That makes it so much clearer. Thank you vurrrrry much!
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