So I consulted Courage Wolf on faceache:
Ok, I will.
I have returned from a night at big scary cinema in the big scary city. Made extra scary by the fact that I'd failed to take into account that it's Wednesday. It's very busy, and people are waving mobile phones about. I then realise they're claiming two tickets for the price of one with orange. Oh dear.
I eventually make it to the front of the queue.
The nice man asks what film would I like to see? Back to the future SVP.
And how many tickets do I want? Er, one?
He gives me a pitying look that says a) you're on a crap phone network, or b) you don't have friends. Actually it's c) All of the above.
Ok, challenge uno over. Next: a drink. I would like to purchase a small diet coke plz.... £3.00 she says, while simultaneously handing me a container that has at least a litre of caffeine overload in it. Good job I didn't ask for large.
I make my way to the cinema. As expected (I've never been here before) it's the modern multiplex small room thing. It's moderately full. I pick an empty spot over towards the right somewhere half way back.
I then make an observation. Right in the middle of the prime seating bit there is a girl on her own. Really on her own, she has the entire row. This is very odd. I can only come up with the reasons that a) crazy loners are scary to normal people or b) she is attractive, and people don't want to get too close in case her thug of a boyfriend is going to turn up at any minute and be a pita.
It continues to fill up, and people arrive around me. I must admit this is a cause of anxiety, especially when one of them manages to pour beer everywhere. But I don't run screaming into the night, so this has to be a good thing.
Film starts. 88 miles per hour! Great Scott! My name is Darth Vader! Earth angel.... etc.
Film ends.
If you do get a chance to go see this at the cinema, tis worth it. It looks gorgeous. N yes, yet another version be coming to dvd and bluray near you...
Not sure if I managed the prove you are awesome bit. But it went better than I expected, and I didn't need to cheat at any point. I so need to add a friend to the mix though. Friends wanted, apply to the gimp in the corner.
2 weeks ago
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