I don't flickr that much since the whole Misty thing, it's kind of taken the fun out of it. Occasionally I'll have a look and see what peeps I know are up to. Sometimes I go against my better judgement and see what she's up to.
Today was one of the times I shouldn't have bothered. She gets setup with a "we miss you comment", and replies thus:
I've been better. I'm going through a seriously shitty time for a while and having one certain reader that I thought was a good friend leaving really nasty and hurtful comments over on my blog as well as here did nothing to help matters, and everything just got on top of me leaving me with crippling writer's block...
The only reason I'm still on Flickr is because a) I refuse to break my run of finished Scavenger Hunts, and b) I could block that person's comments and delete what ever else they'd written!
I do miss you all and I hope I'll be back sometime soon!
O'realy? Nice to know that I'm now the cause of all her woes.
My side of the coin remembers it as a) I stopped giving her money b) she started giving me the cold shoulder in direct proportion to how much money she was missing out on. I pointed out this wasn't very nice & got banned for it. The end.
The other difference is of course she has an army of people who will read her every word, and I have my blog with 2 followers who will think argh! why am I still reading this pap. So 100's now think I'm an arse, and 2 know it for sure. And I can't even put my view in reply.
Still, no one said the world had to be fair...
2 weeks ago
Flickr sux - I thought I could improve my photography with lots of expert advice and constructive criticism, but everybody is just too nice.
I learn more from the technical critique on youtube. It's very educational. The best advise I have received is "YOUR GAY AND SO IS YOUR CAMERA".
p.s. I'm not ... but I have my doubts about my camera.
p.p.s. Stick with your better judgement.
Thank you kind people, I feel better now.
Amanda, whatever you do don't go on a real life photo course. I did, and it was awful. Train spotter central on camera specs. And the man in charge was so far up his own ar*e about how wonderful his own blah photos where.
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