Wednesday 24 November 2010

On lost friends

Monday was teh Misty's birthday. As is obvious by the lack of blog posts, she's given up blogging. But I left a "happy birthday" comment to her last abandoned post just in case she ever comes back. A bit like the gold record stuck on the voyager space probes, hopeful but probably futile. (And could result in the destruction of the earth by hostile alien forces)

I note nobody else commented, so I suspect that means I'm the only one stupid enough to keep track of dates relating to people who have moved on. I just hope she wasn't expecting peeps to comment, and then when they don't is upset by it.

I may also have done the snail mail present thing. Though when I think about it more perhaps I shouldn't have. Tis obvious she's not friends with me any more, and including a note that may have said between the lines "Oi Tina, stop wasting your bloody life and do something useful instead" may not have been the kindest thing to do.

Of course the real problem is I can over do it on playing the empathy game... I can think of several reasons why she's vanished, and how she could be feeling now. I hope she's blissfully happy watching tv, smoking and drinking lidl's cheapest industrial alcohol pretending to be wine every day. But I doubt it.

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