I hate it today.
The past few days I've been thinking that pooter is making a lot of noise. It got on my nerves enough today that I opened the side and vacuumed out the dust & dead things, and then went on to find out which fan has dried out bearings.
Except, tis not a fan. Tis yon hard drive. The one that's making the rumbly noise and shaking. This cannot be a good thing. Fortunately it's only an old small one, so copied the data elsewhere and fixed it by unplugging. I can now hear a screaming fan that it was masking, but not bad enough to take it apart again.
I've also bought a fonero. Decided it was time I added wireless to the house, and it has geek features that appeal to me. More technology hate as I struggle to set it up. Turns out my software firewall doesn't like it and was quietly throwing toys out the pram so it wouldn't work.
Got it going, and was shocked! shocked! I tell you, to discover there are 4 more wireless networks available to my house. I am the child on the slow bus. Late to the popular kids party.
Where did I lose it? I's been online from when mosaic was the browser of choice. Back when normal people didn't have pooters. Back when you typed "Eat shit and die" into search, and was actually shocked at the resulting website...
But the common man has over taken me. I feel old.
2 weeks ago
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