Before I start with the lazy blogging day, a tale of Idiot Girl.
The other day Idiot Girl complained her printer was not printing her uber important document, and was smearing all the text. Have you tried cleaning it idiot girl? Of course, I'm not stupid.
So today I went to see what the problem was. Printed a test page, the colours are ok but black is awful. A bit like this keyboard.. it's full of crisps, biscuit fragments and other things I don't even want to think about. Hang on... so is the rest of the room... apart from the printer.
Kerching! That was the penny dropping for you too? Yes, Idiot Girl has cleaned the printer casing, not the print heads. One clean cycle later and it's back printing.
Onto Tubetastic Thursday.
I bring to you:
Dave Dee, dozy, beaky, mick and tich - The legend of xanadu
A 'friend' of mine bought me their greatest hits cd as an oh so funny birthday present. Sadly he'd underestimated just how much of a sick bunny I am when it comes to music, and I quite liked it.
Alternate universe rich Dave Lister in red dwarf calls his home Xanadu in reference to this song, and not the movie Citizen Kane.
Dave Dee is deado. I think the rest of them are still alive.
You can drive your neighbours insane by playing this followed by Olivia Newton-John's Xanadu over and over again. It's only fair after their children got recorders and only managed to go "parp parp parp" badly.
2 weeks ago