And I'm all out of 10p's (clicky if you haven't a clue what I'm on about as usual)
Remember my earlier fear caused by 2 x Noah and the whale song plays on 2 consecutive days? Well now I'm definitely sure. We went to tescos this morning, walked in the door and, yep, it's Noah. Oooh, creepy!
Went to the garage tonight, on with the radio, Noah again! Add in that it's taken from the album "last night on earth" and it's a definite message aimed directly at me. Of course, it could be the whale that's out to get me and not Noah at all...
Saturday 10:15 am I am to see the eye man at the hospital. Anyone want to bet I get sent for a test and it comes back brain tumour? If you want first dibs on anything, I'd be making a list now...
2 weeks ago
I got the lathe.
Lathe had a slight crashing accident, so now one of the bearings goes 'clunk' occasionally. Still want it?
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