Friday 25 June 2010

Tales of the blatently obvious

As a child my dear father would never allow me to watch "tales of the unexpected" beyond the title bit. I think it was because he was afraid I'd suss it and make him look a (bigger) plank for not getting it even when it was explained in great detail to him.

The only one I can remember seeing was the first one, the bet your finger against my car that your lighter will light 10 times in a row one. Where the OMG shock was it wasn't his car, it belonged to his missus, who, Argh! was missing fingers! I wonder how that happened eh?

But the title theme was awesome, and I bring it to you now:

Woo! Wasn't that naked-lady-silhouette-tastic?

The theme was written by one Ron Grainer. Award yourself a small quantity of strawberries if you can think of another theme he wrote. Or a Big D hat if you can't.

Additional bonus related video thing:

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