Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Spice or niet?

I will in short order be asking for your valued opinion. I thank you in advance.

It's not been going well with the spice thing. I did the new member's night, which was teaching granny to suck eggs on how to use the interwebs. I then booked "secret tunnels of Manchester walk", "cycling in York" and "crazy golf + laser quest social night".

Manchester, I cancelled (Unexpected hospital appointment)
York, I cancelled. (I assumed you could get there by public transport before noon. WRONG!)
Golf, they cancelled. - Only 3 people wanted to go.

I'm now thinking about giving up Narrow boat day. Or chug chug chug up a canal.

Forced to interact with small group (10) for full day.
Potential for pretty countryside.

9 am start. but it's 2 hours drive away. Or 2.5 hours on a train. So really 6am start.
Forced to interact.
Confidence is high for alcohol to be involved, and the 'joy' of explaining to people I don't need to drink to have fun. (For reasons unknown I always get in my head a bit of "we don't have to take our clothes off to have a good time, oh no.", but that suggests cherry wine, so doesn't really help. Stupid brain).
High probability of being wrong class.

So, the question people on the other side of the planet where you prolly don't have canals, yes or no???


Anonymous said...

If it's a three hour tour and the weather started getting rough, the tiny ship could be tossed. And even if there is courage from the fearless crew, the narrow boat could be lost, the narrow boat could be lost.

If anybody else on the boat is named "Ginger" I would say GO FOR IT! ( Or Maryanne if pushed ) Otherwise too far to travel for what may end up with you pushing the rest of the crew into the canal in a fit of boredom.

C'riz said...

Amanda, I will check the passenger list. Would it be useful to have an inventor or professor type?

Kim, I've not done it, I'm trying to decide if I should.

Anonymous said...

C'riz if you are OK with building a short wave radio out of shells, bamboo and coconut cream pies you can ditch the professor and go with the millionaire and his wife.

p.s. I agree with Pseudonymph, the answer is alimentary.