Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Message on the radio

Two days in a row now I've gone into my workshop fired up the radio, and it's played:

Noah and the whale - l.i.f.e.g.o.e.s.on

This could be a message. Life hasn't been great fun recently. I'm a sucker for spotting patterns that aren't really there and taking them as important.

It's a sort of ok song, but has a fatal flaw. The bit where he sings L I F E G O E S O N just doesn't work for me. I can't make the letters into words when I hear them. It's prolly not helped as I start hearing in my head F E E L I N G C A L L E D LOVE even though it's not remotely similar. Perhaps there's a battle going on in my mind between Noah and Jarvis, and Jarvis wins....


Anonymous said...

Could it be groundhog day?

C'riz said...

Very possibly. But with a distinct lack of Andie MacDowell.