Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Things to come

I was sent this photo:

Just in case you're doing the Rolf Harris 'can you tell what it is kids?" thing, I'll tell you. It's potentially my new toy, and route to world domination.

It's a CNC milling machine. Which I asked the vendor thereof to demonstrate that it can drill lots of dice. This is his solution. With a bit of up-scaling I think it could be a winner.

In related news, I am having a nice man visit tomorrow @ 8am. Who will attempt to show me how to build a wall in the rain, cold and wind. Yes, it's going to be awful.


Anonymous said...

So ... you actually drill the dots in the dice? There has got to be a better way.

C'riz said...

No. It's for drilling a big hole in the '1' spot, so I can convert them into dice valve caps.