Monday, 13 June 2011

New religion

I'm starting one. Convert now and grab a good job while there's still places available.

I know I'm teh messiah, as like all good bosses I was given a sign. The gig chose me, not the other way around. I will show you this sign now.


It's a bad phone photo of my hand! After some mysterious force / biting insect caused injury to appear in a pattern overnight.

If you study it you will note it looks remarkably like 'the plough' constellation.

So obviously I should add in lots of space related mumbo jumbo to my new religion.
Ok, so the pan end only has 3 stars on my hand not 4, but er, this is a test of faith. No, better still I can make it my first commandment: "Smote all the smart arses who spot the missing star".

Suggest me up some more rules, I command thee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about ditching the one about coveting your neighbours ass.

Bless you.

p.s. So how do we go about claiming our tax exemption?