Monday, 9 May 2011

On the best laid plans of mice and men

I do the stained glass class thing. It's actually something I greatly enjoy, takes my little mind off other things, and the chance to slowly gain lead poisoning at the same time.

The person who teaches it gave me a card at the last session. "you are invited" it says in big friendly letters "to come to my open studio event".
I wasn't going to go, 'cos I always think they must have printed too many cards, and are just using up the surplus on me. Really, who would want me around their home?
But last Saturday I thought sod it, and went. A nice drive in the sunshine along winding country roads. True, there was episodes of fear when I actually got there, but I was welcomed, and generally had a nice time.

The fail then kicks in.
She pimps her taster session of making things with willow. So as usual I can't commit and say I'll think about it. Got back home, thought about it, and yes I would like to have a go. Sent a text message, got no reply... so being a gimp did nothing about it, and session missed.

Friday comes around, and glass class starts again. She tells me she didn't get my message until Tuesday, but there's one last class on Saturday if I still want to do it. YES! I sayeth.

Saturday AM, text message, "I is ill, class cancelled". Methinks some things are not to be.


Anonymous said...

I guessing she makes cricket bats ...

C'riz said...

She makes slightly bonkers sculpture. Like her lawn has a life size willow horse in the middle.

C'riz said...

Curses! I was looking forwards to that crash!