It's a warm -2 celsius tonight. Warm as for some reason the day was minus 3. Explain me that weather people.
Doom, as once again idiot girl's car is in for fixing. Fixed 2 days, so she breaks it good this time. The clutch pedal does nothing other than make extra grindy noises from the engine direction. So had to grab a mate and have it towed in for fixing.
Which means IG will be borrowing my car. Again with terror turned up to eleven. Frozen = ice patches plus it keeps snowing X IG stupid factor = I will be lucky if she doesn't stuff it thru a wall, or work her magic car killing skills on it.
The mechanic also did the world famous sucking air thru teeth noises, which is the internationally recognised method of telling you it's "gonna cost ya mate!". He also said be lucky to get it back this week as removing the gearbox is step 1) remove car. Step 2) you now have the gearbox left.
Plz to cross some digits for me.
So This Is Christmas
5 weeks ago
Criz, you know there is no legally binding contract that says you must sacrifice your car to your siblings. I said I was sorry, but my brother still reminds of this 27 years later.
Pseudonymph, 42 is hot! You are hogging all the Spring. We should be having really hot days and afternoon tropical storms. But nothing. Not a sausage. Please send heat when you are finished with it.
Sent home if over 42? Is the danger children may get stuck in melted tar?
Idiot sister still has my car, and now tells me if I need a car to go and fetch her parts I can always hire one. I keep asking Ma Ma why I wasn't an only child.
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