Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Snail's graveyard

I guess we've all heard the theory that elephants go to the same spot instinctively to pop their clogs. Well, methinks it may also be true of snails.

Plz to observe exhibit a) :

Everyone's dead Dave.

There's actually a lot more of them in a 2 foot square area near my big shed. If I was to collect them up I'm sure I could do a Pol Pot stylee shell photo. Not that I would.

Two questions for the clever people:

Why so many dead snails? There be no poison there as far as I know.

Why do I like snails, but hate slugs?


Anonymous said...

I think it's a birds dinner table - they're not keen on cleaning up the dishes after dinner. Re snail affection - I think it's the little stalky eyes.

C'riz said...

2 votes for birds then. Though in the main the shells do look intact. Unless they're getting poisoned somewhere else and this is as far as they go before dying?

~sets up snail cam to find the truth~