Monday, 10 August 2009

Excitement, Adventure, A jedi craves not these things..

Or C'riz has not one but two full days off in a weekend. Amazingly rare, and I will be suffering for a week to catch up with the work.

C'riz goes to a steam fair.

Amazing discovery: Source of S. Duck's lol's found:
Melody of mirth... Woe, and sick in a hedge organs where also in attendance
(May contain traces of lie)


Rat look: (guess which be my favourite).

Should have taken tripod instead of monopod:

Actually, this was a sad point of my day out. Most of the time I can fool myself that I'm happy being on my own, but here amongst the fair's diesel fumes, drunkeness and feeling of impending violence I had to admit it's no fun being the last of my kind, lost in a godless universe and out of shake n vac.

Quite what I can do to break the alone cycle I do not know. I'm 35 and know so little about the human interaction thing. Answers on a postcard plz.

Mostly ducks & duck balancing


Anonymous said...

Hooray for Mr Byass, and his enormous organ.

p.s. Dr Lurve recommends - try looking handsome, and keep an eye out for somebody who's trying to look pretty. I hope that helps.

C'riz said...

I've seen bigger organs, but that one did have a certain charm.

N thanks for the Dr Lurve comments, believe me I need all the help I can get.