Idiot Girl continues to live up to her name.
A few weeks back, twonko #2 left idiot girl at the donkey place in the middle of nowhere, drove back to IG's house, and promptly helped himself to everything he considered to be his. He then went home and texted her that it was over, but he still can see them having a future if conditions are met.
See Idiot Girl, it was a really good idea giving him a key.....
Yes, I've left it a few weeks to report this... as of course IG didn't phone da filth followed by retrieval of key & property.
She's since seen him for some 'rite kegs' and is of course seriously considering getting back together. Cos he's a right laugh int he? Never mind trust issues, kegs come first....
Smart party: lifetime ban....
Making Things Worse?
1 day ago